Rhuthwrites- opinionated, engaging.

Introductory Post

Dear readers,

Welcome to my newsletter! I'm excited to have you on board and can't wait to share my thoughts and opinions with you. This newsletter is my space to rant and bant, and everything you read here is my own opinion or view. While my blog will still be for writing short stories and prompts, I'm using this newsletter as a way to express my views to the public.

My name is Rhuthwrites, and writing has always come naturally to me. I have controversial opinions on topics, and I'm not afraid to share them with you. So, expect some thought-provoking content that will challenge your thinking and make you see things in a different light.

I want this newsletter to be like a magazine, where we can engage and share ideas. To make this happen, I'll be doing weekly surveys and polls, and I encourage you to participate. Your feedback is essential to me, and I want to ensure that you're getting the best content possible.

So, thank you for subscribing, and anticipate good things! I'm excited to embark on this journey with you, and I'm confident that you'll enjoy what I have in store.

Best regards,



or to participate.