Why I can't watch the Barbie Movie

Embracing choices: A Colorful Journey

Hello everyone,

I hope this newsletter finds you all in good spirits. Today, I want to share a personal story about my relationship with the color pink and how it has shaped my perspective on choices and obsessions

As many of you might have noticed, the Barbie movie has been creating quite a buzz lately. While some are excited about it, I have decided not to watch it, not because I think it's not good, but because I find the plot a bit lacking in intellectual depth. However, that's not the main reason for my decision. The truth is, the color pink triggers certain memories for me that make it difficult to enjoy anything overly pink.

Growing up, I was surrounded by pink – the "pink lady," as they called me. From birth, society had already decided that pink would be my color. My mother lovingly bought all things pink for me, from clothes to school supplies. I became obsessed with the color because I never had the chance to choose otherwise. But as I reached age 12, this obsession became unhealthy and all-encompassing.

At that point, pink was the only color I recognized, and anything else felt like a scam. I couldn't see the beauty in other colors because I was so fixated on pink. It took my mother's intervention to break me free from this unhealthy attachment. Initially, I was upset with her for not indulging my pink obsession, but looking back, I'm grateful for her intervention.

Then, something happened that made me realize the extent of my pink obsession. I saw Jojo Siwa, a public figure who was also known for her love of pink. However, as Jojo grew older, she evolved, and her preferences changed. Seeing her shift away from pink made me understand how others might have viewed my obsession with the color. It was an eye-opener, and I knew I had to make a change.

Breaking free from the pink obsession was no easy task. It was like overcoming an addiction, but I eventually succeeded. During my search for a new favorite color, I discovered purple. Its elegance and charm drew me in, and I began to embrace it. Over time, I learned that having a favorite color shouldn't mean becoming obsessed with it. Balance is essential in life, and moderation is key.

This journey taught me a valuable lesson: no matter how good something may seem, becoming excessively attached to it can be harmful. It applies to anything, not just colors. We should always be mindful of our passions and obsessions, making sure they don't consume us entirely.

To all the young adults out there who will one day become parents, please remember this: give your children choices. Allow them to discover their preferences without imposing preconceived notions on them. It's essential to let them explore the world and form their own opinions.

So, while I won't be watching the Barbie movie due to my pink-related PTSD, I hope my story encourages you all to embrace choices and cherish the diversity of colors and experiences life has to offer. Let's remember that moderation is key and that too much of anything, even the most beautiful colors, can lead to unbalance.

Thank you for reading, and until next time.

With love,



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