18 Things I've Learnt at the age of 18

I feel it's the right time to share my perspective with others—especially those approaching this age. Consider this as big sister advice for those under 17 and a friendly reminder for anyone 18 and above.

• It's not about the age 18: While turning 18 marks a milestone, it's the experiences and lessons learned along the way that truly shape understanding.

• Embrace the journey: Life is a continuous learning process, and every experience offers valuable insights.

These are my Life Lessons so far:

  1. It’s OK to Make Mistakes: Embrace them as part of your growth.

  2. Have Older Friends: They can offer valuable perspectives and guidance.

  3. Criticism Helps: Sometimes your critics are pushing you to grow.

  4. Your Taste Will Evolve: It’s natural for your preferences to change over time.

  5. Puberty Is Ongoing: Changes continue into your late teens.

  6. Maturity Is a journey: It’s not tied to age; it’s about experiences and learning.

  7. Don’t Be Pressured: By the internet or your peers; stay true to yourself.

  8. Everyone’s Path Is Different: Some things come easy; others require more effort; we all find our way eventually.

  9. Relationships Have Their Issues: Online or in-person, don’t rush into them, don't be carried away but the new wave of couple showing on the internet. Nothing is rosy, so take your time.

  10. Everything Is Spiritual: You are a spirit experiencing the world.

  11. Salvation Is Personal: It’s a journey unique to each individual.

  12. Grow at Your Own Pace: Avoid trying to rush your development; it’s counterproductive.

  13. Take Breaks When Needed: If you feel burnt out, step away and return refreshed.

  14. Value Your Mental Health: Prioritize it as much as your physical health.

  15. Learn to Manage Money: Basic financial literacy goes a long way.

  16. Your Interests May Change: Be open to exploring new passions and hobbies.

  17. Not Everything Will Go As Planned: Be flexible and adapt to changes.

  18. Be Kind to Yourself: Practice self-compassion and patience.

  19. Extra: "Our parents were never wrong; their delivery was just bad. ”

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